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Natural Fuel Support

Promoting Biofuel for a Cleaner Future

What is Biofuel?

Also called "agrofuel" or "agrifuel," biofuel is the carbon source of energy for the future derived from biological material, usually plants.Plants with high concentrations of sugar and starch such as sugar cane or corn are grown and then fermented to produce ethanol.

WHY biofuel?

In a world addicted to energy, the limited supply of fossil fuel can only carry humanity so far. The most obvious example of biofuel benefit is the substitution for petroleum that drives today's automotive transport. The common gasoline consumer in the United States and Europe already feels the stress of supply and demand whenever he pays over $60.00 to fill up his car's gas tank. According to the Francisco Blanch, a commodity strategist for Merrill Lynch, crude oil would be trading 15 per cent higher and gasoline would be as much as 25 per cent more expensive, if it were not for biofuels. Fortunately, the European Environment Agency (2006) claims that there is enough time and potential presently to expand on the biofuel industry so that by 2020, the equivalence of 19 million tons of oil will be available. It is time to switch over to a new source of energy and what better than renewable biofuels that humans can create themselves?

Are there any other benefits of biofuel other than for gasoline production?

Methane gas, found in biodegradable sources and also in natural gas is a greenhouse gas with a warming potential 23 times that of carbon dioxide. Instead of allowing dead biomass to decompose and realease methane into the atmosphere, it is much more resourceful to harvest the methane for energy use which would break the more potent gas down into carbon dioxide. And as the widely read Wikipedia sums up, "The use of biomass fuels can therefore contribute to waste management as well as fuel security and help to prevent climate change."

Additionally, biofuel bridges a gap between rich and developing countries by multiplying the worth of raw resources abundant in developing countries. Therefore, the flow of wealth will reach the poor countries that finally have something of value to sell off in masses.

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